Myopia (also called nearsightedness) is where they eyeball is either too long or the cornea is too curved, leading to difficulty seeing objects, while vision up close is clearer. Our Myopia Control Program slows down prescription changes and in some cases even stops it from increasing.
Typically, once you become myopic, it tends to worsen over time. Higher levels of myopia are associated with greater risk of eye diseases like glaucoma, retinal detachment, myopic macular degeneration (central vision loss), and cataracts later in life.
Myopia control is dedicated to slowing down or even stopping the
progression of myopia in children and teens. Below shows the options and
their effect on slowing myopic progression.
There are many myopia control programs out there but to do it properly, it must include axial length measurements of the eye.
Measuring axial length is necessary to
(1) Determine the risk of associated pathology
(2) Predict the risk for myopia development for a
patient not just by checking a prescription
(3) Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment
We’re here to help you fight myopia one stage at a time.
Age 0-7: The Pre-Myopia Stage
Prevention by proper lifestyle
Identify higher risk of myopia
Prophylaxis treatment
Age 7-14: Rapid Myopia Stage
Early detection of myopia
Aggressive treatment of myopia
Myopia control program: multi-prong approach: Orthokeratology, MISIGHT soft multifocal, custom soft multifocal lenses, eye drops once a day, special myopia control glasses
Monitor axial length ( eyeball elongation) for treatment dosage
Age 14-20: Slower Myopia Increase Stage
Less aggressive treatment needed
Adult orthokeratology treatment
Age 20-30: Stabilization Stage
Discontinue treatment
Refractive surgeries
Adult orthokeratology treatment
Age 30-50: Post-Stabilization Stage
Refractive surgeries
Myopia education for their children
Adult orthokeratology treatment
Age 50-65: Myopic Diseases Management Stage
Onset of presbyopia
Myopia-related disease treatment and management
Adult orthokeratology treatment
Age 65+: Comfort and Management Stage
Reduce symptoms to improve living with myopia related diseases
Adult orthokeratology treatment
One of the thoughts about the progression of myopia, is that it is associated with eye strain. The additional stresses that are placed on the eye when straining push the eye further out of its proper shape. Atropine eye drops are specifically designed to help stop the eye from straining and help the muscles relax. Atropine is similar to the eye drops that are used when you get your eyes dilated but lasts throughout the entire day rather than just a few hours. Atropine dilates the pupil of the eye and prevents them from closing too tightly and limiting your vision. This treatment has been shown to be especially effective in slowing the progression of myopia in children.
These contacts slow the progression of myopia in children between the ages of eight and 12. Even more exciting, they slow the progression by as much as 59%. For instance, if an ophthalmologist or optometrist diagnoses a child with nearsightedness and predicts a diopter of -8.00, MiSight contact lenses can reduce that to about -3.50.
As the only contact lens on the market capable of doing this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fully approved them in 2019.
Another benefit of wearing MiSight contacts over traditional lenses is their soft lens. Especially for younger wearers, they provide optimal comfort.
Also, an individual only wears them once before discarding them. It’s important to note that these contacts aren’t made for overnight wear. For that reason, users need to remove them from the eyes and discard them at the end of each day.